Tuesday, January 10, 2006

TTTT: New Year's Eve

We are going to do TTTT today, however I want you guys to put comments on that are based on a New Years Eve experience; something trifling that you would never tell anyone until now. Ready? Go.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm... never tell anyone... It's not so "trifling" but...

In a younger year of my life, I dressed up as Jackie Kenedy for NYE, met up with a skeleton and had sex... Obviously it was a costume gala... lol... never did know what he actually looked like (it was a one nighter).

Anonymous said...

I went for NYE with a girlfriend and we crashed at my house hoping we could find something last minute. We couldn't she was really being a party-pooper. She fell asleep at around 10:30, so I crept out, called this other chic, and madeout with her the rest of the night.

Anonymous said...

Well, I went to a NYE wedding a few years back. I fucked the best man (who was engaged and later married to one of my friends) in the coat room during the reception while my date and his date were dancing together.

No one ever knew about it until now.

Anonymous said...

I go to bed around 9:30 - 10:00 pm every NYE and that's far worse than anything posted here.

Anonymous said...

wow...bro kojak knows some freaks!

Anonymous said...

I once got the "let's just be friends" speech...twice...over the phone...on NYE.