Friday, January 20, 2006

Sex Headache

Ever had a sex headache? It occurs when you havent gotten laid in a time frame that's outside of what you are used to. Its egged on when you start having those thoughts at your desk or when you are walking down the hall. The only cure for it is sleep. You go to sleep "waving a flag" and you wake up "waving a flag".

I can't blame anyone but myself. I'm just can't get my head into the thing. This feeling has some high familiarity that is really not good. I have to find something to occupy my brain and time. Maybe I will put together a boat in a bottle or some shit.

But in the meantime, I have salsa dancing, basketball game, and a concert for the weekend. I be out!

Reese, you still ain't shit!!


Reese The Law Girl said...

Don't forget to add manipulating cameras to take pictures of less than large booby girls so as to make their boobies look larger than they actually appear. You also have to do that this weekend.

OMG, I just thought of something! That picture should come with a warning:

WARNING: Boobies are actually smaller than they appear!!

LOL! Pimp juice indeed...


Brother Kojak said... show signs of a classic "Closet Tittie Lover". Be like Salt n' Pepa and express yo self girl!! Its all to the G!

Reese The Law Girl said...

LOL! Funny thing is, I think boobies is one of worst parts about being a girl. Hmmm??? Maybe I'll write about that...

Also, having babies. That's not cool.

BTW, don't deflect my very observant observation, Houdinni. You know those boobies were falsies. FALSIES!! ;)

Salsa Lover said...

You went salsa dancing? Do tell....

RLG: What? Boobies the worst thing about being a girl? Woman please. Having babies - most probably. But that dreaded monthly thing is far worse than the girls who I actually love.

Brother Kojak said...

Hey HEY!!! This is a MALE written and read site!! Ain't nobody tryin' to read this convo!

derek said...

Hey...I like long as they are real. Large, small, doesn't matter as much. They just have to be the set you are born with. There is only one exemption:

(breast augmentation for medical reason)
(1)mastectomy reconstruction
(2)complications from large breasts

But, yeah, headache sucks...

Joanne said...

Salsa dancing - check. Bball - check. Concert - not this weekend for me. :-(

In fact, the bball helped me out with the extra energy this weekend and left me sore. Too many free throws and running I guess. But, it was fun, lots of fun and best of all it comes with none of the emotional/relationship v. no relationship BS that comes with actually having had sex... ;-)

Brother Kojak said...

You would have liked the concert, Joanne. Eric Roberson. Check him out:

Hmmmmm... Call me. We can have a scientific experiment to see if that's true or not. **wink**