Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The Sex Headache

I think I've mentioned on here several times about the disasters of a sex headache. That's when you go sans sex for at least a week and everytime you think of a sexual act you get a damn headache. Well, since I've been cut off at home (or rather cut myself off), I've discovered a new stage in the sex headachitis; the shakes.
Yeah, so if I think about sex with a woman, I get these little quick tremors. This mainly occurs in the shoulders and neck. I was told by this woman that not only do I do that, but there is this curious pattern:
1.) I won't be able to finish a sentence
2.) I look off into space
3.) I turn my head and grunt


I think this week will be a good time to start going back to the mosque. I am BUGGIN'!


Anonymous said...

The good news is... once you go about a month, it gets easier! LOL!

Seriously, I just get bitchy. If I'm in total bitch mode I can usually trace it to sexual frustration. Funny huh? Ok, well not so funny, but it is curious.

Anonymous said...

Going without sex that long (a month) BLOWS!!!...

Brother Kojak said...

I wish.

Juicy77 said...

A week? One friggin' WEEK? A WEEK!? Try YEARS man. Years. Actually, I'm not even frustrated and angry anymore. I guess I just sort of snapped one day. Having social worker friends who love sharing horror stories from work curbs the sexual frustration as well. LOL