Wednesday, February 15, 2006

A Letter From HEIDI?!?! I get siced!!!

First of all, I'm sorry all of you had such shitty Valentines' over the years. That has got to be our most pathetic TTTT ever. UGH.

But I have good news. No, I didn't save a lot of money on my car insurance, but I got this email tonight:

Heidi Martin Music" Add to Address BookAdd to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
Subject: Heidi Martin Music
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2006 03:22:20 +0000
announcements will be going out soon on some upcoming events and
thanks for your interest in my music! best, h

Heidi Martin Music
� Pisces-Gemini Publishing Company, Ascap.

I can't wait to have my ears be made love too with some newness. Mmmmmm. Heidi, Heidi, Heidi.


Brother Kojak said...

I KNOW Chapaburrito, but its been a few years since she's even done anything.

I think when I see her, I will give her my White Girl Virginity.

derek said...

My white girl virginity went with my full virginity...

I am going to have to find out who this woman is that is making BK spazz out...

Brother Kojak said...

Yeah man!!

You ever date a woman who's voice was so sexy and
tantalizing that you did whatever she asked you?

Yeah. That's Heidi for me.

derek said...

Yeah...a sexy voice will get ya whooped before even LOOKING at a bed.