Wednesday, September 14, 2005

As The Mind Wanders

As I am writing this, I’m struggling to stay awake in my 1st class of the evening. Man…I was trying to eat well today, but I think I over did it. Especially given what I did. I joined the gym’s Boot Camp. 3 days a week, ½ an hour each day of ballbusting hell. All I ate all day was a protein bar with coffee, tuna fish sub and a pretzel. Not a whole lot of fuel when you are tired. The class is worth it though. We do strength-training, agility, and power which is just a little different from the strength training. We have a really diverse class too; a dean, a couple of administrators, and me, jonny low-on-the-totem-pole. Won’t go thru all the different excercises but I tell you one of my weird habits. I wear the tight running tops. Not because I’m cut like that. Not even close. I wear them to remind myself of how shitty a physique I have so I can work harder. When you are down on the floor and in push-up position and you look in the mirror and see that gut damn near touching the ground, you get that extra push-up going.

My new mistress, Fall Ball is going great (to me at least). Damn, I don’t remember if I mentioned that. I’ve got a couple of guys together to play baseball at school. Yesterday was our 1st practice. We weren’t even on a baseball field, but we have batting practice (BP) and a little fielding practice. I pitched BP. Damn if felt good. Adult sports in a team environment. No kids. No girlfriends. I almost got a “no chic around” hard on. We men get those from events like this; watching wrestling matches with the fellas, card night (farts included), weight-lifting in full sweat and so on. Friday is the next practice with Happy Hour to follow. I get siced! I may have picks for a select few of y’all. Some of you already know the link. I should have it updated tomorrow.

The catch phrase is “Don’t you agree with me here?”


Reese The Law Girl said...

Oooo, I wanna be in the circle of trust. I WANNA BE IN THE CIRCLE, DAMMIT!!!

Salsa Lover said...

Circle of trust... LOL!!!!

I don't agree with you... because even though you get off on doing you're all-men thing, you can't last... eventually, you need us women. Whereas, 99% of the time, us women are happy being with each other and don't really need men. Just for, well, ya know.....and even then, there are things that simulate a man.

Brother Kojak said...

Both of y'all are full of shit. I tell you what, go to Target this weekend; I heard Fibercell is on sale. I think both of y'all need a case.